Tell about the material that the author has used in the essay. Ask questions such as;
How did the author get hold of his material? Interview answers / books /surveys / participatory observation or in another way? Has the material been used on one effectively way? Is there more information to retrieve that the author did not include? Is the material reliable? Does the author seem aware of the limits of the material’s informational value? This is being discussed!
Describe how the analysis was done in the essay. Ask questions such as; When the author makes his analysis of the material – is it well structured and easy to follow? Are the conclusions reasonable based on what the material offers? Is there any aspect that has been forgotten? Does the author base his claims?
Tell what the author has come to in the results and conclusion. Ask questions such as; Has the author put the results in context, and given feedback on the questions in the introduction? Is the essay a test of a theory or of concepts, or can one create concepts or perhaps a theory, of the result and if so, has the author done so? . Finally: has the author shown what you could go on with, “in the next essay” if you want to work further with the problem?