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Develop a compelling mission statement for the program with clear goals that will appeal to the identified personas visiting the website, social media channels and B2B marketing materials.

Brand Value & Deficiciencies

She’s Got Skills is growing rapidly. The next step to grow the business is to develop a strong brand strategy, a compelling vision and research to support the goals of the platform.
With this project She’s Got Skills would like to develop a clear messaging and strategy for their mentorship program that resonates and engages with the SGS existing network and get them closer to their vision to bring more girls into football as part of their growth and socialization.
SGS wants to leverage their existing partner network to develop a stronger mentor and leadership program for peer to peer learning, but as well to help more girls getting into football.
For that the team should create a program proposal including program name and brand, copy as well as a strategy to reach both communities; existing network members and potential program participants and beneficiaries.
Desired Outcomes
• Clear user personas for; a) existing network members as potential mentors b) mentee and program beneficiaries
• A brand audit. Review of current marketing materials potential impact on chosen audience in relation to the mentorship program participants and beneficiaries.
• Develop a compelling mission statement for the program with clear goals that will appeal to the identified personas visiting the website, social media channels and B2B marketing materials.
• Create a powerful background story about the program
• Design an outreach and roll out strategy as well as the supporting materials needed for the implementation.

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