a. What methods are currently available on the type of therputic interventions for LGBTQ+ individuals with mental health needs?
b. How does Counselling Psychology practice support mental stress treatment for LGBTQ+ individuals?
c. What is the efficacy of current interventions and what are the implications for practice and policy?
d. How do current interventions inform future priorities for research?
Study design and methods:
• Name the study design being used .
• State the location where study will take place .
• Describe any intervention(s) and/or study procedure(s) .
• Explain how data will be collected .
• Attach copies of any data collection tools being used .
• Specify the length of time participants will be involved in the study (e.g. two half hour appointments in July 2019).
Qualitative research methods
Location: online
Data will be collected through semi-structured interviews – Counselling Psychologists will be interviewed online 30 minute interview?