Final Exam Due Thursday, 2-10 on Canvas before 11:00 PM
Be sure to submit your exam in Canvas under “Assignments” where you see the final exam assignment.
No late exams will be accepted.
Section One
1. Thomas Jefferson warned of an “aristocracy of our monied corporations which .
. . bid defiance to the laws of our country.” Considering interest groups and corporate power, discuss whether Jefferson’s concern about excessive corporate power is still relevant. You should also link Jefferson’s statement to the current issue of increasing income/wealth inequality and its impact on our political system. Use specific examples to support your position. Note: You should review Chapter 7 on REVEL and Reich’s film Inequality for All if you choose this topic.
2. Where to Invade Next contains episodes that show domestic policies in various countries . After watching the film, choose three foreign countries featured in the film and discuss their programs/policies in detail. Also decide whether you think their programs/policies would be good for the United States if implemented here and the reasons for your opinions. Devote one page of your essay to each country
you choose for a total of three pages.
3. Thomas Jefferson famously wrote that we all have an inherent right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Yet, there are different perspectives on both liberty and the pursuit of happiness—specifically, what limitations should apply. Where do your individual rights end and others’ rights begin?
One’s view of what is an acceptable framework for liberty and the pursuit of happiness is likely to be based in part on his/her moral/ethical positions and political conditioning. Develop your own philosophical position on what constitutes appropriate parameters of individual liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and support it with logical arguments and specific examples/scenarios.