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Discuss and describe the convergence innovation that has been used by the organisation to enable it to provide the products/services it sells?

Organizational Creativity and Innovation

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Outfit https://outfit.io/
Myoni https://myoni.love/
Green Collect https://www.greencollect.org/
Task Instructions
Students will review and analyze the chosen organization with theoretical models from the
modules and produce a 1200-word report that responds to the following four questions:
1. From the perspective of the organisation’s customers, Identify and discuss the
experience innovation that has been created.
2. Discuss and describe the convergence innovation that has been used by the
organisation to enable it to provide the products/services it sells?
3. What role has Design Thinking played in the success of the organisation?
4. Do the organisation’s innovators/entrepreneurs demonstrate a covert or overt
culture within the organisation? Justify your answer.

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