As soon as possible, combine the details into a physical description paragraph. Study your description for indications of occupation, income, marital status, and other facts.
Write a second paragraph giving a brief description of the person’s business and family life as you imagine them. Using your picture of him, project yourself into this person’s mind.
Write a third paragraph describing his attitudes toward religion, politics, people in general, children, and animals.
Imagine that the person you described has a daughter or a son your own age. Using that young person as a subject, repeat the process. Begin with a physical description, move to a description of school and home life, and end with a personality sketch. Write a paragraph describing each of these elements.
Write a dialogue between the two people you’ve just sketched. Place the younger character in some sort of problem or dilemma. Have the older character help the younger character think through the problem. Aim for one-half page of dialogue.