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Are the boundaries geographical, political, or economic? Do neighborhoods have names?

Are the boundaries geographical, political, or economic?
Do neighborhoods have names?
Are there sub-communities?
How are these identified?
Commercial or residential?
Is the community identified by name?
Housing and Zoning
What is the age of the buildings? Are the residences single family or multifamily dwellings? Approximate age, type of architecture, construction materials
Single/ Multi-family, Size of yards, General condition, Vacancies, Vehicles parked in driveways, on streets
Streetlights, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, open drainage ditches
Are there geographic features that can harm the community? Are there plants or animals that could harm or threaten the health of the community? Human-made environment.
Presence of elementary, middle and high school. Private or public, Play areas, sports fields. School grounds well-kept
School bus stops, Cross walks for pedestrians
Signs of Decay
Is the area well maintained or in disrepair? Is there garbage strewn? Are there trashed/abandoned cars, places for rodents or other wildlife to hide, vacant lots? garbage condition

Parks and Recreational Areas
Are there play areas for children and adults? Are they safe and maintained? Is there a Community Center? Who uses them? How much green space is seen? Parks and recreational; areas, Lighted? Maintenance and adequacy, safety, availability of community centers and its usage

Common Areas
Where do people collect for social gatherings; where do they “hang out”? Are they for particular groups or are they open to all? Are there signs posted?

What stores (grocery, retail, drug, dry cleaning, etc.) are in the area? How do residents travel to them? Shopping centers, neighborhood stores, grocery and drug stores? Common market to buy goods and food products? Distance from residential places. Types of stores or shops. Means of transport used by people to reach stores/shops. How are the business resources distributed. Are there ethnic stores or stores that display information other than in English. Signs advertising alcohol, tobacco

How do most people get around the area Car, bus, train, bicycle, walk? Is there public transportation? If so what kind and does it appear to be used? Who uses it? What is the condition of the streets, roads, highways? Bus stops and public transportation. Types of people using transportation. High traffic area? Speed limit signs, speed zones, traffic calming
Is there evidence of local and national newspapers to other media? Are there informational posters on streets, busses, billboards, etc.? Newspaper or magazine stands in the community. Informational posters on streets. wall painted messages
Other types of communication channels

Service Centers
What services are available in the community – health care, social services, schools, employment offices etc.? Hospitals, Health services. Physician offices, health clinics or health centers, dentists, Alternative medicine (acupuncture, massage), Social agencies
Welfare, WIC, social services, Senior centers, child care centers
People in the Community
Who is in the area during the day? What evidence is thereof particular “classes” of people – upper, middle, working, lower? Who is present on the streets (Men, women, children, teens, the elderly, homeless? Evidence of informal gathering spaces/hangouts. What are they? Who are they for? Social clubs or cultural organizations. Evidence of interaction among neighbors. Evidence of homelessness. Animals present (stray dogs/cats, dogs on leashes)

What are the major industries located in the area? What types of occupations are evident? What industries are within the communities? Could the environment or industry pose a threat to the health of community workers or the community itself?
Protective Services
Where are fire and police stations located? Is there evidence of police and fire protection in the area? Fire stations, fire hydrants. Evidence of security systems in the homes. Neighborhood Watch program. Evacuation route posted
Emergency shelter
What is the predominant ethnic group? Are there residents from a variety of ethnic backgrounds or is the community mostly one group? Which one? Are there stores, restaurants, churches, schools, or languages that indicate a particular ethnic group(s)? Bilingual signage

What churches and church-run schools are in the area (denomination)? How many are there of each denomination? Evidence of people with different faith or religion

Health and Morbity
Is there evidence of any health problems such as drug/alcohol abuse, communicable or chronic diseases, mental illness (etc)?
Environmental Health Factors: Something in this neighborhood that is negative? Are there many fast food stores in the areas? What type of food is offered at these stores? What about exercise facilities?
General Resident Health Observations:
Does there appear to be a general positive or negative health behavior evident in the area? What are the cluse? The residents of the area appear inactive or active physically? Does it appear that the residents isolate indoors are are more active outdoors? What is the negative or positive health behavior that you observed?
Community Health Issues:
Based on your observation what do you see as being a health issue that you would expect from your observations? Do you see a lot of people overweight or obese?
Is there evidence of political activity? Are there any signs that indicate a predominant political party (parties)or concern(s)?

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