Poisson Probability Distribution
Tell us the average number of days of precipitation in that city for the month of April.
Cite your Source
What is the probability of having exactly 10 days of precipitation in the month of April?
What is the probability of having less than three days of precipitation in the month of April?
What is the probability of having more than 15 days of precipitation in the month of April?
Write a sentence for each of the probabilities explaining what those probabilities mean in context of days of precipitation in your chosen city.
Would any of the situations be considered unusual? Why or Why Not?
Follow-Up Post Instructions
Respond to at least one peer. Further the dialogue by providing more information and clarification.
Here are suggested responses—
After reviewing the post of a peer, are you surprised by the probabilities? Why or why not?
Compare and contrast the probabilities of one post to the city that you analyzed. Why do you think the probabilities differ greatly or are so similar?
Writing Requirements