Watch the following video before completing this discussion activity.
Circular Flow Matrix – How the Economy Works – Econ 1.7 (YouTube – 4:56)
Circular Flow Matrix- How thCircular Flow Matrix- How th……
Select & Explore
Based on this module week’s summit session, what would you say is the role of firms in our
macroeconomy? Do consumers indirectly and/or directly affect our macroeconomy? Discuss how
microeconomics and macroeconomics affect the flow of money within the Circular Flow Model. Do
you think firms could operate without households? Describe how these disciplines relate to the
Circular Flow Model.
Locate a recent article or event (published within the last year) that highlights your relevant
microeconomic/macroeconomic topics. Use the Hunt Library, newspapers, new stations, or other
Module 7 How Does Our Economy Work?
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Search entries or author
credible sources to discuss how your topic aligns with microeconomics. Include the following in your
State the article or event you selected.
Identify the microeconomic/macroeconomic concept(s).
Describe your findings.
Analyze the relevance to real-life applications.