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Determine what they are proposing their API will do.

You have been assigned by your company to help communicate the meaning of an API to the marketing team. The team wants to create content for an end user who is not a computer engineer and who wants to understand why this new automatic lawnmower would be a good purchase.

Study the Automatic Lawn Mower Schematic Diagram, along with the accompanying 4 claims made by the researchers. This content was generated by an actual research team of computer engineers who are developing and have a patent for an API to be integrated with an automatic lawnmower.

Determine what these researchers are claiming about their patented API by using the schematics and reading the first four claims they are making.

Draft a 750- to 850-word email communication to the marketing team that provides your analysis of the schematic diagram.

Create your draft in Microsoft Word and complete the following:

Determine what they are proposing their API will do.
Explain what the information in the schematic diagram and claims means for the endWk 1 – Apply: Summative Assessment: Communication Plan Analysis .

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