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Explain whether the cause would indicate a primarily individual or community risk.

Review the data compiled by the NFPA related to structural fire causes:
Campbell, R. (2017). Intentional fires. National Fire Protection Association. https://www.nfpa.org/-/media/Files/News-and-Research/Fire-statistics-and-reports/US-Fire-Problem/Fire-causes/osintentional.ashx
Read Section One, “Intentional Structural Fires,” and choose any two structural fire causes that you think are relevant to and/or currently problematic in your community or jurisdiction. For each cause, include the information listed below.
Explain whether the cause would indicate a primarily individual or community risk.
Identify who you would target with a relevant fire safety education program and how a cause-and-origin investigation is used to determine this.
Recall how you would use the five-step model to compose the fire safety education program.
Write one measurable, actionable fire prevention objective for this program.
Briefly describe the fire prevention message you would try to deliver to this audience.
Identify the groups in the community that could be helpful or involved in message delivery.

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