Use the Middle East and North Africa map below (or go to ) to select four different countries from the region. Remember, there should be four different paragraphs, each on the culture of a different country. For example, if you choose Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia, you should write one paragraph on the culture of Egypt; one paragraph on the culture of Israel; one paragraph on the culture of Lebanon; and one paragraph on the culture of Saudi Arabia.
Answer the following questions in each summary:
(The point value of each question is listed below.)
What aspect of culture (food, religion, language, clothing, customs, etc.) is the site about? (20 points)
What did you learn from the site about the way people live in the country? (20 points)
What is the URL (www.?) of the site? (10 points)
List the URL (www.?) of the site at the bottom of each paragraph.