Your client, Mission Bay Pawn Brokers, Inc. (“MBPB”), has many cash transactions with customers. MBPB is in the
pawn broking business. MBPB have heard they need to report cash receipt transactions over $10,000 to the IRS on
Form 8300. However, MBPB does not want to have to report these cash transactions and are asking if they can
suggest to their clients to break the cash transactions into smaller amounts so that no one transaction exceeds
$10,000 or suggest the clients pay in other than cash such as crypto or have the clients pay someone else who
would then aggregate the payments. MBPB have also considered not informing the customers that the transaction
has been reported to the IRS.
MBPB needs advice for the following, and requires primary authorities to support the answer:
1. Who is required to notify the IRS when the cash amounts exceed $10,000, i.e. which type of taxpayers?
2. What type of transactions are required to be reported, i.e. within the definition of “cash” transactions?
3. If crypto currencies are not considered cash for 2022 and 2023, will this change in 2024?
4. What is considered to be “cash” for the purposes of the reporting?
5. What is the due date for the reporting of the “cash” transactions?
6. Is there a reporting requirement to the customer when the transaction is reported to the IRS?
7. Are there any penalties for failure to file the information with the IRS or the customer about the cash
You research should consider the following (but it is not an exhaustive list):
IRC § 6050I
Regs § 1.6050I-1
IRC § 6721
IRC § 6722