Problem 1: What happens, in decibels (dB), when we multiply sound intensity by 10?
Your answer here: the sound intensity changes by ______dB
Write down the equation that shows how this works
Problem 2: If we quadruple (multiply by 4) the intensity of a sound, what is the change in decibels?
Your answer here: ______dB
Problem 3: If sound intensity changes by -3 dB by what factor does intensity change?
Your answer here: _____
Problem 4: If sound intensity increases by a factor of 20, it increases 13 dB. Show an alternate
way to derive the decibel (dB) increase (beyond simply using the formula from problem 1):
PHYS 152—Physics of Sound and Music Fall 2022, (Dr. D.)
Problem 5: In class we saw a figure showing the Inverse Square Law. Recreate the graph below
and be sure to write in labels and units. Write down, below, how you and your lecture neighbors
interpret this figure (as part of a think/pair/shar