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Who made the major decisions in your family? Mother? Father? Both? Other family members?

Cultural and Social
Recall as much as you can about your personal family history.
Record your answers to the following questions as they apply to
the conscious and unconscious learning that took place. It might
be interesting to compare your answers to those of someone of a
different culture.
a. In general, would your family be classified as formal or
b. What or who were the subjects of jokes?
c. What was the attitude toward the elderly?
d. Was conflict dealt with in a direct or indirect manner?
e. Who made the major decisions in your family? Mother?
Father? Both? Other family members?
f. If you had siblings of the opposite sex, did you notice differ-
ent child-rearing practices being followed? What were some
of those differences?
g. Was competition or cooperation stressed?
h. How did you learn about religious matters?
i. How were you rewarded?
j. How were you punished?

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