Create a detailed plan step by step of how to build an e-commerce business. Since this is a fictional business, you can be creative with your approach. Research business plans to serve as examples of what you need to include in your business plan. At the end of your plan, include a reflection on what you learned throughout this project and discuss how easy or difficult this would be to implement in the real world.
Your Comprehensive Learning Assessment 2 submission must contain the following items in addition to those listed above:
Using your free version of Zoom, create a video voicemail for the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) addressing an issue that has arisen from implementing the new e-commerce feature you wrote about in your Comprehensive Learning Assessment 1. In the video voicemail, make sure to include your thoughts and ideas about how to overcome these issues. This should demonstrate your leadership and management skills for the CTO. Make sure to provide the link to this recording in that section of your paper.
In a separate section of your Comprehensive Learning Assessment 2 submission, identify and discuss the ethical ramifications of poor e-commerce security and suggest training programs for staff to remediate this type of potential issue.
Identify an innovative technique for managing the company’s e-commerce program better or suggest an improvement for an existing process to improve both efficiency and effectiveness.