Data Analytics
Chapter 4 —- 21 question . – Use a Pivot Table to construct a cross-tabulation for marital status and housing type for the Base Data worksheet in the Excel file Credit Risk Data — chapter 4, question 66 Compute the z-scores for the data in the Excel file Airport Service Times. How many observations fall farther than three standard deviations from either side of the mean? Would you consider these as outliers? Why or why not? CHAPTER 6: question 33 Using data in the Excel file Colleges and Universities, find 95% confidence intervals for the median SAT for each of the two groups, liberal arts colleges and research universities. Based on these confidence intervals, does there appear to be a difference in the median SAT scores between the two groups? Chapter 7- question 16- Using the data in the Excel file Airport Service Times, determine if the airline can claim that its average service time is less than 2.5 minutes.