You will be listening to a podcast about a product that makes cleaning and exploring data stroed in Excel sheets more efficient,
especially for non-programmers, but also can be placed in a pipeline leading up to more complex analyses which might happen
in the Jupyter (or other) space.”
This podcast is an episode from the IBMs Make Data Simple Podcast:
Aug. 3, 2022. Make Data Simple Podcast: “Of course you’re tired of spreadsheets. Data exploration is better. Ryan
Buick, Co-Founder of Canvas.”
You can listen to the podcast from these links:
• Spotify
• Player.FM
• direct from download of MP3
• Apple Podcast (DRM required)
§ Task: Listen to the podcast and answer the following 4 questions:
1. List 3 things you learned from this podcast and relate them to things you have experienced in this course.
2. What motivated the core Canvas company business, and what product space did it emerge from? Your answer should include mentioning data and management team concerns.
3. What problem does Canvas solve? Please include details from what Ryan mentions in his interview.
4. What or who are the target market for the Canvas project?
5. In two or three sentences relate what you learned about data analysis among non-data scientists with what you learned in the podcast. Be complete, but brief .