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What aspect of the scientist’s life had the most impact on you? – How could the scientist’s professional journey influence your professional journey?


Form a group, pick a scientist from the list below and prepare an introduction to that scientist for the class or you may pick your own scientist.

The information may be:

– A video (youtube, TikToc etc.)

– A podcast

– A PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation

– A written report

– Any other format you might decide to use

The report should include:

– Name of the scientist

– Dates of Birth and Death

– Where the scientist was born

– Field of study of the scientist

– Contributions of the scientist

– Any honors the scientist won or was passed over for.

– Discussion of the life of the scientist, focusing on how the scientist was different from the typical scientists we hear about and any challenges the scientist faced.

What aspect of the scientist’s life had the most impact on you?

– How could the scientist’s professional journey influence your professional journey?

– What part of the scientist’s career surprised you the most

  1. Ada Lovelace
  2. Chien-Shiung Wu
  3. Rosalind Franklin
  4. Vera Rubin
  5. Gladys West
  6. Katherine Freese
  7. Maria Goeppert Mayer
  8. Lise Meitner
  9. Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyà ibn aṣ-Ṣā’igh at-Tūjībī ibn Bājja (Arabic: أبو بكر محمد بن يحيى بن الصائغ التجيبي بن باجة‎), best known by his Latinised name Avempace
  10. Abu’l Hassan Ali ibn Ridwan Al-Misri (Arabic: أبو الحسن علي بن رضوان المصري
  11. Abū Kāmil Shujāʿ ibn Aslam ibn Muḥammad Ibn Shujāʿ (Latinized as Auoquamel,[1] Arabic: أبو كامل شجاع بن أسلم بن محمد بن شجاع‎, also known as al-ḥāsib al-miṣrī—lit. “the Egyptian reckoner”)
  12. Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Kathīr al-Farghānī (Arabic: أبو العبّاس أحمد بن محمد بن كثير الفرغاني‎ also known as Alfraganus
  13. Ḥasan Ibn al-Haytham
  14. Nur ad-Din al-Bitruji (also spelled Nur al-Din Ibn Ishaq al-Betrugi and Abu Ishâk ibn al-Bitrogi) (known in the West by the Latinized name of Alpetragius)
  15. Francisca Nneka Okeke
  16. Benjamin Banneker
  17. Alberto Pedro Calderón
  18. Pedro Nunes
  19. Victor Neumann-Lara
  20. Mary Golda Ross
  21. Srinivasa Ramanujan
  22. Satyendra Nath Bose
  23. Alan Turing
  24. Henrietta Leavitt
  25. Zhang Heng (Chinese: 張衡; AD 78–139)
  26. Shen Kuo


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