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Discuss what contributed to the successes you did achieve, and what modifications might be needed to address things that were not achieved as expected.


You should individually address each of the objectives you originally created. Discuss how they were measured, and to what level were they achieved. It is OK if things are not 100% achieved as planned. Possibly you needed a different objective, or you were overly optimistic relative to the available time-frame. Discuss what contributed to the successes you did achieve, and what modifications might be needed to address things that were not achieved as expected.

Consider what you think the future holds for this project. Think about the issues around Sustainability. If the project was a one time event, what are the expectations for the future of the issue that was being addressed – are the original concerns likely to reappear? Or are they well resolved? In either case (i.e., reappear or resolved), why do you think so? If your project was a program that is expected to ‘continue’, what are your expectations for it’s future, and it’s ability to address the original concern or problem that it was developed to address. And be clear why you think that is the case.

By definition the above items might be more aligned with a summative evaluation. In regard to the formative evaluation, next reflect on the process attributes of this project. Typically an important factor is communication. Across the project was there good communication between all stakeholder/participants? Additionally, were the required resources available to achieve project goals & objectives? What were key facilitators to the project that really helped things come together? Alternatively, what barriers were encountered, and how were they dealt with? What lessons were learned?

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