Which of the following are non-recurrent tasks and why?
1. Parallel parking.
2. Preparing a sauce for pasta.
3. Troubleshooting a computer malfunction.
4. Designing classroom instruction for school children.
5. Determining the average score on a set of tests.
6. Finding misspelled words in a text.
7. Looking up an entry in an online encyclopedia.
8. Planning a vacation.
Rank order the following ten skills in terms of their criticality to effective teaching
and then to effective training; discuss your rankings with your peers and the instructor.
• Updating one’s professional knowledge and skills.
• Establishing one’s credibility.
Teaching and Training 47
• Communicating effectively.
• Finding appropriate instructional materials.
• Planning appropriate instructional methods.
• Selecting appropriate instructional technologies.
• Presenting information effectively.
• Providing appropriate feedback.
• Assessing learning and performance.
• Managing the learning situation effectively