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Which of the following are true, which are false, and why (some of these are worth discussion in class or in a discussion forum)?


Which of the following are true, which are false, and why (some of these are worth discussion in class or in a discussion forum)?

1. Designs cannot be evaluated.
2. It is possible to identify all types of users and all of their relevant characteristics
in a thorough needs assessment and requirements analysis process.
3. Because the perceptual appeal of a learning environment or instructional system
will determine motivation and subsequent learner engagement, the emphasis in
design should be on esthetics first and foremost.
4. Mastery learning is consistent with a design approach that focuses on students
within two standard deviations of the mean score of students on a final test in a
required prerequisite course.
5. Design is a balance of creativity and engineering.
6. A program of study specifying required and optional courses is a designed artifact.
7. An organization’s mission, vision, and values statements are designed artifacts.
8. An employee’s pay rate is a designed artifact.
9. A grading rubric is a designed artifact.
10. A student’s grade point average is a designed artifact.
11. Universal design requires focusing on issues involving scalability and multiple
12. Multitasking improves overall productivity.

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