Public Health Approach
You are Malik’s first choice for consultation regarding his assignment from MedCentre’s Board of Directors. Malik wants to adopt a public health perspective that addresses the human rights and ethical issues implicated in MedCentre’s screening plan. Malik’s memorandum must offer recommendations that are legally and ethically sound. Due to Malik’s time constraints, he has asked that you e-mail him responses to the following questions by tomorrow evening:
Should MedCentre screen all employees, or should it “target” or limit screening to employees whose jobs involve regular contact with hospital patients and employees, as Paula Smith suggested?
Assuming that certain jobs are less likely to transmit infection via interpersonal contact, will general screening be perceived as paternalistic?
Should MedCentre obtain employees’ consent to the screening? If so, how can MedCentre ensure that the employees are sufficiently informed?
How should MedCentre document and store the records of screening results?
How should MedCentre notify employees of their serological status? Should or must MedCentre provide counseling?
What “reasonable accommodations” can or should MedCentre make for seropositive individuals? Is vaccination legally, ethically, or economically feasible?
What preventative procedures and/or programs can MedCentre implement to ensure that
seropositive individuals are not discriminated against on the basis of their serological status?