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How does this past chapter relate to other chapters? How does this chapter relate to your life/ experiences you have had/ knowledge from other courses? (If relevant) What was the hardest and easiest to understand or accomplish?


Write a brief description of the material covered in the chapter; connect the material to the module learning objectives.

Connect the material to the module learning objectives Your thoughts on the material (use the following questions as a guide for your thinking, not as questions that you are required to answer): What was most/least interesting? How does this past chapter relate to other chapters? How does this chapter relate to your life/ experiences you have had/ knowledge from other courses? (If relevant) What was the hardest and easiest to understand or accomplish? Did you enjoy learning about this subject, why or why not? Any questions you have about the material Your thoughts and reflections on the US healthcare system in general

To write a successful reflection, you should: Review the lecture and your chapter notes, determine the most important aspects of each topic, and express those aspects in your own words Synthesize this topic with topics presented in the past, in order to create a deeper understanding of the ways in which geology works

Evaluate your own level of understanding of the topic, allowing you to then know what areas you should ask questions about in your reflection. Reflections should be: Double-spaced 2-3 paragraphs long (no longer and you must write in paragraph form)

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