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In 2000, San Francisco was 554,000 meters from Los Angeles. In about how many years will Los Angeles be where San Francisco was in 2000?


45. Running In 2002, Khalid Khannouchi set the world record or a marathon when he ran 26.2 miles in 2 hours, 5 minutes, and 38 seconds. Round your answers to the nearest tenth. a. Find Khannouchi’s rate in miles per hour. b. Find Khannouchi’s rate in miles per minute. c. Find Khannouchi’s rate in feet per minute.

46. A Earth Science Due to the movement of Earth’s landmasses, 12 Los Angeles and other portions of coastal Southern California are moving northwest toward San Francisco at an average rate of 46 millimeters per year.

a. How many meters per year does Los Angeles move?

b. How many meters per century does Los Angeles move?

c. In 2000, San Francisco was 554,000 meters from Los Angeles. In about how many years will Los Angeles be where San Francisco was in 2000?

47. Challenge If you travel 55 miles per hour, how many minutes will it take you to travel 1 mile?
Find the product. (Lesson 5.4)
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51. Stamps You have 15 stamps from Canada in your stamp collection. These stamps make up j*. of your entire collection. The rest of the stamps are from the U.S. How many stamps are in your collection?How many stamps from the U.S. do you have? (Lesson 5.6)

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