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Describe the general format expected for CHM 1142 and 1143 laboratory reports.

Archimedes Principle Lab Report

Chemistry I and II

Describe the general format expected for CHM 1142 and 1143 laboratory reports.

Each report should consist of the following sections (these may be altered or amended as appropriate, but in general this is a good format):

  1. Introduction and Purpose
  2. General Procedures
  3. Data and Data Analysis
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusions
  6. Answers to any questions

Reports should be neat and well organized. Spelling and grammar count. Any graphs or plots should be computer generated (you are welcome to use a computer, but make sure you know what you are doing. Excel in particular is confusing and may not do what you think it is doing) or done on a piece of official graph paper. Notebook paper with hand drawn axes and divisions is Below is an example of a good report using the Sugar Content in Commercial Beverages data that some of you collected.


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