In this assignment, students will demonstrate the ability to compose a well–organized and
effectively–developed essay in MLA format. This essay should include a clear thesis statement, topic sentences to support the argument statement, major details to expand on the topic sentences, and additional evidence to reinforce the major details.
Rhetorical Strategy Options
• Narration
Writing Topics
Topic selections will be provided by your instructor. (Note: Your instructor must approve any
topic that deviates from those provided.)
Use one of the following topics for the narration essay assignment. No others are accepted.
1. A funny story that happened to you
2. A story from your childhood
3. A story of losing a friend
4. A story of learning a new skill (like playing a musical instrument or surfing)
5. An embarrassing story that happened to you
6. A story of you helping people in need
7. A time when you discovered a secret
8. Your worst vacation
9. A story of volunteering
10. A time of dealing with a state of emergency