It’s Not Just the Economy, Stupid: Linking Free Trade and the War on Terror
The purpose of the response papers is for you to take positions that you can later share and
defend in discussion section. Briefly explain your reasoning.
To prepare for answering the questions below, read the case study (“z) then do the following and include your rankings in your response paper:
1. Rank the four countries in the case study – Australia, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore – in
terms of their economic importance to the U.S., from highest to lowest.
2. Rank the same four countries in terms of their support for U.S. security policies after the
9/11 attacks, from highest to lowest.
Now respond to this question:
3. In your opinion, which should be the most important factor in deciding whether the U.S.
should enter into an FTA with another country, economic interests or security interests?
Briefly support your opinion with reasons.