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Identify risk and resilience in children and how to promote positive youth development, and memory model in developing ages, while problem solving how learning and development can be more accurately depicted through the main character as the premise unfolds

A report on perks of being a wallflower analyzing the main character and psychological concepts regarding development

The purpose of this assignment is to use critical, analytical, and creative thinking to provide an informed discussion on the main character of “Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Stephen Chobsky, by applying the main ideas and concepts of: bronfrenbernners ecological model, importance of biological, social, psychological development during ages 6-14, theories of behaviorism and social cognition and its role in development, cognitive psychology, knowledge construction and processing, Identify risk and resilience in children and how to promote positive youth development, and memory model in developing ages, while problem solving how learning and development can be more accurately depicted through the main character as the premise unfolds. Critically think and provide an informed reaction to the novel based on the information learned in the course including how this information impacts their understanding of the main character’s learning and development. Reactions must be based on the guided questions provided.

Expectations for this assignment:

1.) Critically and analytically discuss a minimum of four applications made between the topics reviewed throughout the semester and the character’s experiences by comprehensively exploring issues, ideas, artifacts, and events before accepting or formulating opinions or conclusions.

2.) Creatively break down the main character’s persona based on these applications including examples of specific times throughout the novel when the author’s portrayal of the character coincides with the knowledge obtained in this course. Students will (1) combine or synthesize existing ideas, images, or expertise in original ways and (2) think, react, and work in imaginative ways, characterized by innovation, divergent thinking, and risk taking.

3.) Problem solve how the author could have altered the premise of the book to incorporate a more accurate depiction of learning and development by providing alternate solutions to the character development and considering how the outcome might differ as a result of this change. Students will design, evaluate, and implement a strategy to achieve the desired goals.

4.) Produce well-organized, well- developed statements that reflect appropriate use of language to clearly present these specific ideas/concepts. The reflection should be a minimum of four pages long (double-spaced, one-inch margins, Time New Romans 12-point font). It must be evident that the guided questions were reflected on for each of the topics discussed and evidence from the material reviewed during the course must be used in support of the reaction and character break down. It is expected that students be working on this assignment throughout the semester. Quality of writing will be assessed. It is expected that grammar, spelling, and punctuation be reviewed prior to submission


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