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Describe your target audience: names, titles, relationship to you, communication preferences, etc. Be as specific as possible.


Project 4 Plan (outline)

This assignment asks you to plan and create an outline for Project 4. It’s OK to revise this before your final submission, so make your best guess based on what you know right now.

During our final class, you will have a chance to present your project informally to your classmates. This document (updated if necessary) may be useful for that presentation.

Full credit will be awarded for complete and thoughtful responses. If you are not 100% sure of your plans, list some possible ideas. Be sure to call my attention to anything that you’d like me to address in my comments.

Which option are you choosing?

·     Option A: Career communication piece

·     Option B: Workplace training

What is your topic or title?  
Describe your target audience: names, titles, relationship to you, communication preferences, etc. Be as specific as possible.  
In a few words, state the purpose of your presentation.  
What kind(s) of images do you plan to use? (e.g., photos, diagrams, screen captures)  
Are there any images you need to create? If so, what tools will you use?  
List at least one specific research source that you plan to use (examples: name of book/document, a specific URL, or name of person). DO NOT LEAVE THIS FIELD BLANK, AND DO NOT GUESS. It is not sufficient to say ‘Internet’ or ‘books’.  
Do you have any other research ideas for your project?  
List any challenges or obstacles that you foresee.  


On the next page, outline what you plan to say about your topic, using the basic headings provided. Ensure that you complete all sections. It should be approximately one page long.


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