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Create a GUI window that will always open up on top of any other windows you have open. The window panel should have a title indicating a guessing game.


CIS 221 PA5 – GUI Guessing Game

This is an individual assignment. Your program code must be your own work.

Create a GUI user interface
Call functions based on user events

Read through all of the instructions before beginning your work.
Using the methods we learned in class, write a program that creates a GUI interface for the Guessing Game that we’ve used in previous modules.

You may design your layout any way you want to. You will use the TKinter and random libraries. For this assignment, you may not:

  • use any other libraries or templates
  • turn in Object-oriented code
  • use messageboxes or simpledialog boxes
  1. Create a GUI window that will always open up on top of any other windows you have open. The window panel should have a title indicating a guessing game.
    2. The program must generate a random integer between 1 and 10, and prompt the user to input their guess.
    3. Based on the user’s guess, the program must display appropriate feedback to the user, indicating whether the guess is too high or too low.
    4. The program must allow the user to make multiple guesses until they correctly guess the random number or run out of guesses. You will set a max of 3 guesses.
    5. The program must include “Submit” and “Quit” buttons, with the “Submit” button submitting the user’s guess and updating the feedback labels, and the “Quit” button closing the application.
  2. The program must allow the user to make multiple guesses and provide appropriate feedback.
    7. The code must be well-organized with appropriate use of whitespace, comments, and naming conventions.
    8. The GUI layout must be clean and well-organized, with appropriate use of widgets to present the necessary information and gather user input.


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