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Create a micro-viewable chart of total trips for the system by hour of each day over January 2015.

Data Analytics Practice With Tableau

(I) Getting Tableau Program; Download/Upload Real Business Data
a) Open the website of the real business that we are working with at: http://www.citibikenyc.com/system-data
b) View and make a note for the default system data properties the website provided
c) Download the needed data of 201501-citibike-tripdata.csv from Canvas-Assignment–
Data Analytics Exercise with Tableau to a preferred folder at your local computer
d) Open Landing Page: https://sbus-vdi.montclair.edu ; select: SBUS_Lab – Go through Chrome- User Authentication with your MSU-NetID, then, Tableau app should be available
e) Upload the needed data from your local computer to Document folder at the Virtual desktop (Follow the guided directions attached below)
f) Verify if the data now can be found at the Document folder from the Virtual Lab computer
g) From Start menu, type Tableau, then you are ready to run the program

(II) Analyze the following 6 questions with Tableau worksheets respectively:
1. Create a Calculated Field named ‘Males-Females’ as a new dimension on your worksheet.  (Noted: you need to filter ‘Null’ when use Gender to measure the following steps)
2. Show trips taken by males versus females during the month as a horizontal-bar table.
3. Show total hours and minutes traveled by males versus females during the month as a stacked-bar table. Customize with your preferred colors for male and female
4. Create a micro-viewable chart of total trips for the system by hour of each day over January 2015.
5. Create an animated and visualized view with hourly departures during the month in New York area. It now reflects any number of departures from each station at each time point.
6. Based on the results of Question-4 or Question-5, with open resources, analyze the reasons why there were low biking activities on Jan. 27 th, 2015? Provide your brief answers with the related web-link on a fresh worksheet


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