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Critically review the outcomes of the enquiry to establish the leadership and management skills and perspectives required by a future-ready leader/ manager to create and sustain long term organisational success

Developing and maintaining a high-performance culture and optimizing resources


The project will cover in PRACTICAL terms a sequence of tasks that would generate to the upper management the necessary DATA to enable it to take the best decisions in terms of finances, human resources and market strategy.

It will contain 3 x “TO DO LIST” (one for each line of enquiry highlighted above) and a timetable for each item in the list. Each list will produce data that will be later included in charts and formulas showing the trends within each chapter of interest. One chart has to be presented for each line of enquiry. The chart will have blank fields for the data to be inserted by student e.g. The financial line of enquiry will have various numbers and formulas leading to data. The project will also cover interpretation of the results and potential decisions of the upper management taken following the generation of this data.


The case study is for a New dental practice with a special focus in facial aesthetics (Dermafillers, Chemical peels, facial rejuvenation etc)


Word count –4000


The assignment should be written in a professional manner, with correct spelling and grammar. Each page should be numbered. Your assignment should address all parts of the assignment brief in the order in which they are laid out in the assignment brief.


  • Subheadings should be used; these should have the same wording as the subheadings provided in the assignment brief. Each individual paragraph should be numbered according to the system explained below.


  • If there are no subsections within an assignment’s section: you should number the Section 1 paragraphs, under the heading, as 1.1, 1.2, etc, Section 2 would have paragraphs numbered 2.1, 2.2, etc and so on.


  •  If there are subsections with an assignment’s section: for the first subsection within Section 1, under the heading, you should number the paragraphs as 1.1.1, 1.1.2 etc, the second subsection would have paragraphs numbered 1.2.1, 1.2.2 etc. Then for Section 2, the same system applies with the paragraphs in its first subsection being numbered 2.1.1, 2.1.2 etc and its second subsection would have paragraphs numbered 2.2.1, 2.2.2 etc. This numbering system continues in the same way if there are further Sections that have subsections.


  •  Note that every paragraph in the assignment should be numbered, even if it only consists of a single sentence.


  • You should use either Arial 11 or 12 point or Times New Roman 11 or 12 point as the font.


Bibliography – compulsory with a minimum of 15 sources (5 books minimum)


Between brackets [ ]  there are examples or further instructions highlighted in green

Other aspects that have to be covered by the project:


  1. How to assess and benchmark performance?


1.1 Establish with relevant stakeholders [List some] a range of appropriate data and indicators for assessing performance in own area of responsibility in terms of effectiveness, efficiency[chair time/day, chair time/associate, new patients numbers, recalls etc.], financial viability[orders list, prices, materials stock, salaries], sustainability, diversity and relevance

1.2 Undertake a rigorous data-driven enquiry using an appropriate methodology [establish a scientific method of analysing current performance] to assess and benchmark performance and identify risks and challenges to current ways of working

1.3 Establish metrics to drive sustainability, performance and demonstrate value added


  1. Understand how to develop and maintain a culture of high levels of performance


2.1 Critically evaluate the impact of the enquiry and establish strategies for the development and maintenance of high levels of performance that take account of stakeholder needs, identified risks, challenges and diversity

2.2 Engage effectively with collaborative networks to add value and ensure sustainability of high levels of performance


  1. Understand the leadership and management skills required for future readiness


3.1 Critically review the outcomes of the enquiry to establish the leadership and management skills and perspectives required by a future-ready leader/ manager to create and sustain longterm organisational success

3.2 Justify choice of media to evidence the impact of the enquiry to satisfy and influence stakeholders to enhance personal brand


Additional information about the unit


Unit purpose and aim(s)


To develop the capabilities for the management of resources to optimise performance and the maintenance and continued development of a high performance culture.


Marketing and customer satisfaction


Carry out a review of the organisation’s marketing strategy, considering

  1. a) The product/service range and the product development strategy
  2. b) Its effectiveness in meeting customer requirements and creating competitive advantage
  3. c) The strategies for stimulating demand for its products/services and its effectiveness in meeting strategic goals
  4. d) The organisation’s corporate image, brand strategy and market positioning


Recommendations for improvements to the organisation’s marketing strategies Identify strengths and weaknesses in the organisation’s marketing strategy and the options for improvement Evaluate the options and make recommendations for possible improvements in the organisation’s marketing strategy


Review the organisation’s ability to satisfy its customers Identify the standards for best practice and the performance of sector leaders in satisfying customers Evaluate the organisation’s approach to identifying customer requirements and expectations, and to monitoring customer satisfaction Evaluate the organisation’s ability to satisfy its customers and build customer loyalty, by comparison with its own standards, sector leaders’ performance and best practice


Recommend improvements in operations to improve customer satisfaction Examine and critically review internal and external developments and trends that are likely to have an impact on the organisation’s future ability to meet or exceed customer requirements and expectations Identify the strengths and weaknesses in the organisation’s operational ability to satisfy customers in the future, and the options for improvement Evaluate these options and make recommendations for possible improvements in operations to improve customer satisfaction


Human resources [as a new business, the dental practice is sensitive to the right choice of people working there. Extensive coverage is necessary for this chapter]


Ensure effective human resource planning in own area of operation Evaluate your practice’s approach to Human resource management (HRM) against current best practice. Critically review the current and future human resource needs, roles and responsibilities and recommend strategic HR changes which are needed to meet objectives for own area of operations in the short, medium and long term

Create an environment that facilitates development and change in people Review current best practice in Human Resource Development(HRD) and evaluate the organisation’s strategies for developing its people Identify the future skill needs of people in own area of operations in the short, medium and long term Assess the effectiveness of the strategies for identifying and meeting the development needs of people in own area of operation and make recommendations for improvement Present a rationale for the further actions required to create an environment that is more conducive to the development of people in the organisation

Develop a communication strategy that facilitates development and change in people Review the organisation’s ability to communicate effectively with its people Develop a strategy for effective communication and promotion of the organisational vision within own area of responsibility




Assess your organisation’s financial status Examine the financial goals of the organisation and select and apply appropriate financial measures to an organisation’s financial statements to assess its profitability, viability, solvency, liquidity and stability

Review budgetary management and cost control Critically review the organisation’s budgetary management and cost control procedures and their contribution to financial control and long term financial stability

Evaluate appropriate sources of finance Evaluate appropriate sources of finance to ensure future financial stability.

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