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MANDY SQUIRES. (2011). Study reveals post-natal depression link Sleep loss risk. Geelong Advertiser, 4.
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Study reveals post-natal depression link Sleep loss risk
Section: News Edition: 1 – First Edition
NEWTOWN mum Rebecca Nawrocki is on top of the world.
Blessed with a placid baby who sleeps through the night, she gets plenty of shut-eye and has lots of energy and enthusiasm for parenting during the day.
But Rebecca knows many new mums are not as lucky.
“I see girlfriends who are at their wit’s end because their babies aren’t sleeping and they’re so tired they can hardly function,” Mrs Nawrocki said.
Her observations accord with research revealed yesterday, showing new mothers who sleep for less than six hours-a-night have an increased risk of developing post-natal depression, compared to mothers who regularly sleep longer.
The findings by University of Canberra research student, Kerry Thomas, show there is “an undeniable link” between lack of sleep and depression, and that sleep deprivation in new mothers can take a heavy toll on the emotional health of women for years.
“The sleep of new mothers during pregnancy, and in the early weeks after birth, is significantly altered, with lower sleep quality, less total sleep time and more disrupted sleep. If this altered sleep pattern persists for several months after delivery, some women may develop depressive symptoms,” Ms Thomas said.
Symptoms of sleep deprivation included fatigue, concentration problems, reduced ability to function in the daytime and poorer quality of life, sleepiness and lethargy, she said.
Mothers who did not get enough sleep could experience feelings of sadness and a sense of being unable to cope, Ms Thomas said.
Mrs Nawrocki said she had seen new mothers start to lose confidence in their parenting when they were exhausted and frustrated.
“Sleep is, most definitely, a huge thing if you don’t get enough of it you can start to lose patience and to doubt yourself, and then you start to feel guilty. It’s a vicious circle,” she said. “Everything’s easier when you’ve had a good night’s sleep.”
Mrs Nawrocki said her four-and-a-half month old baby boy Lawson had slept well “from day dot”.
Born four weeks early, he was typical of most premature babies and slept almost constantly in the first weeks of his life, she said.
“But he’s also just a really good sleeper generally,” Mrs Nawrocki said. “From 12-weeks-of-age he was sleeping 10 to 11 hours through the night. I had less sleep in the later stages of pregnancy than I did after Lawson was born.”
Ms Thomas said research showed improving babies sleep patterns and therefore that of their mothers could reduce post-natal depression symptoms.
There were a number of programs available to help babies sleep better, she said. These were mostly delivered through residential sleep units and maternal and child health centres, but online programs could also be successful in helping parents get babies to fall asleep sooner and wake less often in the night.
Ms Thomas presented her research to the 46th Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference in Canberra.
* Don’t forget to buy your copy of Baby and Child magazine from October 22. Just $4.95 from local newsagents, the full-colour glossy magazine is packed full of great local stories about children and motherhood.
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