Develop a teaching plan and infuse advanced technology into your nurse educator role.
Examine factors that must be considered in planning and implementing online learning, and describe online course design issues.
Explore evidence of the effectiveness of online teaching and learning.
Analyze how online learning has revolutionized higher education in nursing.
Investigate how faculty can evaluate outcomes and report results to stakeholders.
Discuss the uses, advantages, disadvantages, and issues related to a variety of strategies that faculty can use to assess student learning.
Explain how nursing faculty can select learning strategies, improve their validity and reliability, and increase the effectiveness of their use.
Examine delivery strategies used to educate nursing students in a distance education program and discuss the advantages and disadvantages.
You will develop a 5- to 8-minute mini-presentation of your teaching plan that you developed during week 7. Your presentation must include both audio and visual components. The presentation is a summary of your teaching plan. Guidelines for your presentation are listed below