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Find two news articles (not a blog, not Wikipedia, not an opinion article, a news article) that imply (not directly describe) a change in supply, demand, or both in a real-world market. Discuss how supply and demand impact markets and prices.


For this assignment you will find two news articles (not a blog, not Wikipedia, not an opinion article, a news article) that imply (not directly describe) a change in supply, demand, or both in a real-world market. Discuss how supply and demand impact markets and prices.

Begin by downloading and studying:
Supply and Demand Graphs.pptx Supply and Demand Graphs.pptx – Alternative Formats
SupplyAndDemandGraphs2.doc SupplyAndDemandGraphs2.doc – Alternative Formats
researchProjectRubric.pdf researchProjectRubric.pdf – Alternative Formats

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