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Based on the information provided, create a recommendation report that explains the criteria he should consider when selecting a service or subscription.

Report & Recommendation: Quail Creations Slide Creation Software

The ability to assess, summarize, and “get to the point” is an extremely important skill. This assignment gives you an opportunity to practice a real-world scenario where you are asked to recommend something to a supervisor. This is internal communication within a hierarchy. In this assignment, you are communicating “up” the hierarchy.

Your goals:

  • Develop your ability to identify key points
  • Practice making a recommendation to a supervisor
  • Communicate your analysis and recommendation clearly and persuasively

The Scenario: You are an intern for Quail Creations, a wholesale clothing business. The business was recently purchased by Gary Schumacher, a retired retail store manager with 30 years of experience but limited background in small business marketing. He wants to have an easy and cheap way to create dynamic slideshows that can be updated with current sales figures. He needs presentation slides for clients as well as investors as he hopes to expand. He dislikes how the traditional PowerPoint template appears when presentations are shown in Zoom calls. He is overwhelmed by the options and has asked you to research the available slide creation websites and software, and select the best three choices for him to review.


Your Task: Read the articles linked below on slide creation systems. You do not need to do additional research (but you can if you want to). Based on the information provided, create a recommendation report that explains the criteria he should consider when selecting a service or subscription. Then, narrow the options to the top three systems that Gary should consider.

Provide a rationale for your decision and information on the pros/cons of the three selected systems. You may want to narrow it down further and include a conclusion section with a top recommendation.


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