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What is the basic difference BETWEEN Fee-For-Service Payments and Bundled Payments, which are the two (2) main ways to pay providers for delivering Personal Health Care Goods and Services?

PART A: What is the basic difference BETWEEN Fee-For-Service Payments and Bundled Payments, which are the two (2) main ways to pay providers for delivering Personal Health Care Goods and Services? (HINT: How do those terms relate (respectively) to the restaurant terms A La Carte and Prix Fixe?)

PART B: Give ONE (1) positive effect of Fee-For-Service Payment on the behavior of a clinical provider, and ONE (1) positive effect of a Bundled Payment on the behavior of one or more clinical providers.

PART C: Give ONE (1) negative effect of Fee-For-Service Payment on the behavior of a clinical provider, and ONE (1) negative effect of a Bundled Payment on the behavior of one or more clinical providers.


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