Activity 1. ‘Understanding Ourselves, Appreciating Difference’ See the online resources on: Professional and Personal Identity & Self-Awareness. Exercise: Create or select something that represents you (include a small image of it), briefly explain its significance to you and file it in your Assessment Document (300 words).
Activity 2. Online: ‘Learning how to Learn’ See the online resources on: Assessment Literacy & Study Skills. Successfully complete the MCQ test for Activity 2 on Moodle and file evidence of completion in your Assessment Document.
Activity 3. Professional and Personal Identity Complete a short, written reflection on an object that is meaningful to your identity as a health professional in your Assessment Document (300 words).
Activity 4. The Human Experience Describe what ‘a life well lived’ means to you and why, file in your Assessment Document (300 words).
Activity 5. Responding to difference? Using one of the case studies critically reflect on the importance of values, empathy and compassion as a professional providing health care then file in your Assessment Document (300 words).
Activity 6. Independent Learning: ‘Learning outside the classroom’ Independent learning options – you have a choice of a visiting free London museum or gallery or participating via online links. Download the health-related worksheet and follow the directions (the completed worksheet needs to be submitted in your Assessment Document).
Activity 7. Online: ‘Making your voice heard!’ Take part in the online discussions when they are announced and file evidence of completion in your Assessment Document.
Activity 8. Thinking like a professional nurse Complete a short, critical reflection on your learning experience over the last year – demonstrate a consideration of your Code of Conduct and file in your Assessment Document (300 words).