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Conduct an investigation into the determinants of per capita FDI inflow using this data set.

Imports: Exports: Inflation: RGDP_growth: Electricity:
Foreign direct investment inflows, per capita in U.S. dollars. Labour cost per hour, in U.S. dollars. Manufacturing sector as a proportion of the total Gross Domestic Product. The proportion of adult population over 15 who are literate. Expenditure per student in primary education, in U.S. dollars, adjusted for purchasing power parity. Expenditure per student in tertiary education, in U.S. dollars, adjusted for purchasing power parity. Corruption perception index. The higher the score, the less corrupt a state is perceived to be An index quantifying the degree of political stability and presence of violence. A positive score indicates stability and absence of violence, a negative score indicates instability and presence of violence. The degree of stability/instability and violence is indicated by the magnitude of the score. Imports of goods and services in millions of U.S. dollars, at current prices. Exports of goods and services in millions of U.S. dollars, at current prices. Inflation rate, in percentages. Growth rate of the real Gross Domestic Product from the previous year, in percentages. Ranking score for the ease of getting electricity in a country. The lower the rank, the easier it is to get electricity supply. This is an indicator of infrastructure development.
Conduct an investigation into the determinants of per capita FDI inflow using this data set. Write an intelligent report, maximum 1,000 words. If you were an economic advisor to a Government trying to attract more FDI into the country, what advice would you give them? Print out any estimation outputs or test result you refer to in your report and submit them.

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