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Submit a marketing plan proposing the launch of a new snack food retail operation of your choice.

You will be asked to submit a marketing plan proposing the launch of a new snack food retail operation of your choice.

Case Study: Snack Food operation for Nestlé (new product proposed by you).

You joined Nestlé 18 months ago and have just landed your dream job as an Innovation Manager in the marketing team. Nestlé has been considering moving into the snack food retail market for some while and has set you a task. Rather than its usual global products, the company is interested in snack food operations that are local in nature. A budget of $US75K is available. Because this is a pilot you should demonstrate that making a profit is possible as and when the scheme rolls out. Your proposal might be for a wholly-owned retail operation, through a franchise or via other retailers.

You will be sending your plan for a pilot scheme to the Head of Innovation – but here’s the thing…you are not the only one. Several other Innovation Managers have also been asked to submit their ideas. So, who will sell their ideas the best and gain the go-ahead…and the budget?

Your proposal may be for any kind of eat-in or takeaway food retail operation in any location but it must be about snacks, and you may want to consider using Nestlé’s corporate aims, objectives and/or CSR approaches to support your ideas. You may be able to see a particular opportunity in consumer behaviours/needs as they evolve in a post-Lockdown world.

This is a marketing plan and should therefore focus on a particular target market and how you will meet their needs. Geographical segmentation will not be sufficient.


For the purposes of this submission you may assume that snack food development costs are sunk and do not need to be taken into account. You should identify your likely manufacturing, stock and simple distribution costs.

If your product is to be sold through a third party then you should identify the trading relationship including trade pricing.

Since the plan is for a new product you should focus on market testing, seeing the project as a pilot

You should use appropriate marketing theories to support your plan. You will want to refer to the materials covered at Level 4 in Principles of Marketing to support your plan.

You should provide references for all market information and theories.


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