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Select one megatrend / key trend, and justify your decision to consider this trend in more detail.


All students must submit an individually prepared research paper, of no more than 2000 (+/- 10%) words which addresses the following:

a) Select one mega trend / key trend, and justify your decision to consider this trend in more detail.

b) Identify and carry out a critical review of the most suitable writings from (at least) 2 forms / genres / types, selected from the following types of writing – academic research paper, professional/industry publication, good quality news piece, policy initiative). Selection and justification of these readings is an important part of your assignment.

c) For the selected megatrend / key trend:

• present your critical consideration of these writings which compares and contrasts what each of these different types of writings observe about the trend you have selected, and how they have arrived at these conclusions.


o This critique might include comparison of over-arching themes discussed; theoretical frameworks used; research methods employed; forms of data analysis; key research findings and strengths and weaknesses;

• identify and analyse (briefly) the implications raised by the critique presented for the following: entrepreneurial opportunities, entrepreneurial practitioners, policy makers, educations, other relevant parties

• reflect upon the key lessons you learnt through your individual assignment’s process, (i.e. do NOT reflect on megatrends / key trends content) identifying both strengths of your approach and areas for future improvement.

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