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Compare and contrast water perfused and solid state systems.


Upper Gastrointestinal Physiology

Most departments now use High Resolution Manometry (HRM) as their standard manometric system and these are either water perfused or solid state.

Compare and contrast water perfused and solid state systems.

Your discussion should include:

• Cost / finance including consumables

• Infection control

• Technicalities such as calibration, normal values etc

The assignment should be no more than 3000 words in length (excluding references). You may use appropriate appendices.

(Where applicable, patient confidentiality must be maintained by ensuring that all references to patient identification are appropriately deleted).

Your report should demonstrate research of the relevant literature, original and critical thinking, and cogent scientific argument in a report which is concise, well written and well structured.


• The Vancouver referencing style should be used for all assessments.

• The word limit given in the assessment instructions is an absolute upper limit – i.e. anything above the limit will not be considered by the assessor(s).

• The word count should exclude the title, references, bibliography, glossary, list of abbreviations, figures, tables, captions, reproduction of the assignment question within the assignment.

• The exclusion of figure legends and tables from the word count should not be ‘abused’ – i.e. do not add text to figure legends and tables that would be more appropriately placed in the main body of your submission. Doing so will result in marks being deducted.

• ‘In-text’ citations should be included in the word count.


The University defines plagiarism as: “the unacknowledged use of another person’s ideas words or works either verbatim or in substance without specific acknowledgement.” Plagiarism is discussed in detail in the Programme Handbook, which should be consulted before signing this form.

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