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Investigating an Ethnic Minority Group-Hispanics

Select an ethnic minority group, Hispanics– this includes both cultural and religious – about whom you would like to know more for this class. In this project, arrange to participate in at least one event, meetings, social gathering, etc., where the majority of the participants are of that ethnic minority group and the event focus is somehow reflective of that culture.

In addition, interview an individual associated with this ethnic minority group about perceptions, misinformation, discrimination and other challenges he or she has faced as being identified as part of this group.

The paper should cover the following components:

Using literature, provide a contextual background (i.e., demographics and value and belief systems) of this group.
Describe briefly the event you attended.
Describe your observations using empirical literature to frame your observations.
Discuss your preconceived notions, biases, stereotypes, and/or misconceptions prior to attending the event.
Summarize your interview with the member of the ethnic minority group. For example, what norms, roles and networks does the individual see as critical to his or her group identity? What are three opportunities and/or obstacles of being a member of that culture? How has the group acculturated?
What do you know now that you did not, before going? What else do you need to learn?
Based on what you learned, how does this inform clinical practice or workplace diversity? Use empirical literature to substantiate your best practice guidelines.
Length: 8 – pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Please use only the active voice and peer-reviewed articles.
References list:

Hunt, L.M., Schneider, S., & Comer, B. (2004). Should “acculturation” be a variable in health research? A critical review of research on US Hispanics.
In Social Science & Medicine 2004 59(5):973-986

Yakushko, O., & Chronister, K. M. (Summer 2005). Immigrant women and counseling: The invisible others.Journal of Counseling and Development. 83.3 (Summer 2005): p292+.

Aidan S., T., & Taciano L., M. (n.d). Migration change model: Exploring the process of migration on a psychological level.In International Journal of Intercultural Relations 2011 35(6):818-832

Organista, B. B., Marín, G., & Chun, K. M. 2010 The psychology of ethnic groups in the United States. Sage.
Berry, J. W. (2003). Conceptual approaches to acculturation.Acculturation: Advances in theory, measurement, and applied research. Chun, Kevin M., (Ed); Balls Organista, Pamela, (Ed); Marín, Gerardo, (Ed), ORCID: 0000-0002-9370-4837 ; pp. 17-37;

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