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Review on Communication, one of the domains from the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence.


1. Complete a literature review on Communication, one of the domains from the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence.

Include concepts related to the dominant language, dialects, and the contextual use of the language; paralanguage variations such as voice volume, tone, intonations, inflections, and willingness to share thoughts and feelings; nonverbal communications such as eye contact, gesturing and facial expressions, use of touch, body language, spatial distancing practices, and acceptable greetings; temporality in terms of past, present, and future orientation of worldview; clock versus social time; and

the amount of formality in use of names. Differences between the language spoken by the health-care provider and the patient, educational level, and health literacy are

additional communication add to the communication difficulties.

2. Create a specific research question for this domain you have reviewed, based on gaps in the literature. The research questions must be something that can be accomplished. For the question, identify if you are doing qualitative or quantitative research, the specific methodology (phenomenology, grounded theory, correlational, quasi‐experimental, etc.), and a brief description of the methods to carry out this research.

3. at least three scholarly reviews no more than 5 years old.

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