How do these findings inform your diagnosis/differential diagnoses e.g., how reliable is Psoas sign in determining appendicitis, how would you differentiate a simple chest infection from a pulmonary embolism?
Interrogate the evidence base for the employment of many of the examination skills we use. Analyse and evaluate the relevant tools, guidelines and policies which may exist around a condition that you explore i.e., how useful is the FAST test if you are faced with a potential cerebellar stroke?
How useful is the CRB65 score for community acquired pneumonia, what is the value of the Wells score for PE/DVT? –Discuss what informed your clinical decision making and how you arrived at your management plan -justify it based upon contemporary evidence contained within guidelines and policies.
Discuss any legal, ethical, and professional issues pertaining to patient assessment and to the changing/blurring of role boundaries between and within different health care professions.
Reflect upon what the shortfalls were in your assessment and be honest about your personal limitations from a perspective of your knowledge and experience in carrying out many of the examination techniques, did this influence your decision making?