Introduce the concept of health and wellbeing in nursing
Introduce which borough you have chosen (Barnet or Stevenage) and why e.g. area you live in or area where you have done a placement. You must choose either Barnet or Stevenage as per the case study.
Introduce the concept of cradle to grave in relation to a nurse being involved in the whole family even though only one of the members of the family might be his/ her patient
Suggested word count: 200 words
Demographics of your chosen Borough
Introduce your borough’s demographics* – see lecture notes from Week beginning 8th of February
Compare the COVID-19 statistics in your borough with the national statistics*
Why is knowing the demographics of the area you work in important?
*NOTE: Equivalent of 200 words but you can use tables to illustrate your demographic trends
Family Profile
Ethnicity – discuss the risks to this family from COVID-19 and using the literature, present some theories regarding the increased risk to the Khatri family.
Intergenerational Families and wellbeing – Look at the health benefits or consequences of this phenomena using literature to support your points
Factors affecting health and wellbeing – with reference to the Khatri family, what factors may affect the health of the members and why e.g. financial, cultural (See Lecture from Jan 7th for more information)
Suggested word count – 400 words
Service need versus provision
Looking at this family as a whole, discuss the main issues faced by the members of the family with supportive literature e.g. Alagu who needs an Adenotonsillectomy – what guidelines / rationale is there for this – NICE / literature on speech delay in children with glue ear etc
What nursing colleagues would help this family?
What other services may be required – e.g. bereavement services and why?
In terms of all of these services / interventions – how might they improve the wellbeing of the family e.g. Devesh’s GP may see him for his hypertension but may refer him for bereavement support which may highlight that Devesh requires some input from a mental health team.
How might this family’s needs be co-ordinated and by whom?
Are there any charities / third sector agencies in your chosen borough that would normally (pre COVID-19) benefit this family e.g. Kian may go to a centre on a Saturday morning run by a Learning Disability Charity.
Suggested word count: 1500 words
Health and wellbeing for family is important for all members
COVID has complicated lives and prevented services impacting health physically and mentally
Nurses play an enormous part in developing health and wellbeing particularly in relation to signposting / making a referral
Suggested word count: 200 words