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Discuss any point in the video that affected you the most. Why did this part of the video affect you?

1.Latif begins with a story about his travels to Pakistan as a 12-year-old boy. What details does he use to describe his appearance as a child? Why does he choose these details?

2.How did other people (students, strangers, family) treat Latif after 9/11? Why did they treat him this way? How did he respond?

3.What experience madeLatif feel “so wretched”? Why did he feel this way? What did this experience teach him?

4.What is the point of Latif’s story

5.Discuss any point in the video that affected you the most. Why did this part of the video affect you?

6.Can you relate this story on a personal level because of a similar experience that you encountered where you felt you were treated differently due to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, education, class or any stereotype?

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