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Write a journal club paper about the self-selected article. Explain why in your opinion the study can be considered as part of the field of neuromechanics

Write a journal club paper about the self-selected article. The paper should be under 900 words and contain no more than five references. In the first part, explain why in your opinion the study can be considered as part of the field of neuromechanics. Also, provide a brief description of the mechanisms or properties of the different subsystems of the motor system that were studied (max. 500 words). In the second part, evaluate the self-selected article. Include a brief rationale and research questions of the study, a personal critical evaluation of one or more key findings (e.g. caveats, alternative explanations/ interpretations of the data) and a personal perspective on the significance of (a specific aspect of) the article. An abstract or figures are not required, but one figure is allowed. Make sure you include the title of the reviewed article, names and student numbers. For examples of published Journal Club articles, see the Journal of Physiology, the Journal of Neuroscience and the Journal of Neurophysiology.

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