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Write a 2000 word report, that analyses your career-related employment/training or volunteering experience.

You are required to write a 2000 word report, that analyses your career-related employment/training or volunteering experience. The report should summarise, analyse and evaluate your experiences and may also develop a brief career action plan for the future. The report should be structured. should convey information and analysis. make recommendations.offer conclusions. Relevant issues identified. Relevant issues analysed and recommendations made. Numbering such as sec1,1.1,1.2,1.3 section2, 2.1,2.2. Title page, on a seperate sheet.Summary/Abstract.Table of contents, introduction,Main body of the report. conclusions, recommendations Refrences. please provide details of the work you undertook and how it spured skills and personal development. you need to provide examples. your conclusion should account your career plans and match with the report.
I worked for UNICEF as a health educator in Somalia, you could base the report on that please.Thanks. ALPHABETICAL REFERENCING HAVARD SYSTEM AND ALSO REFERENCING WITHIN THE TEXT

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